Acquiring basic IT skills With help from Professor Messor

Professor Messer's CompTIA A+ Training Course
The CompTIA A+ certification is one of the most popular IT certifications in the world. In this video, you'll learn about the 220-801 and 220-802 CompTIA A+ certifications, the Professor Messer A+ training course, and some tips to get you through your certification exam.
Introduction to CompTia
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a non-profit trade association, was created in 1982 as the Association of Better Computer Dealers, Inc. (ABCD) by representatives of five microcomputer leaderships. Over the course of a decade, ABCD laid the groundwork for many of CompTIA’s initiatives and member benefits.
ABCD later changed its name to the Computing Technology Industry Association to reflect the association's evolving role in the computer industry and in the U.S. business landscape at large. The 1990s was a period of growth as the association broadened the scope of its activities to address the needs of the expanding computer industry. Its initiatives increased to include networking, UNIX, imaging, mobile computing, and multimedia arenas. In an effort to monitor and take positions on public policy issues, the association added a full-time Director of Public Policy. In 2010, CompTIA added a new executive director for a newly named "Creating IT Futures" Foundation, its philanthropic arm that focuses on training and certifying low-income students and adults in IT, as well as returning veterans—and helping connect them with potential employers.
CompTIA is a provider of professional certifications for the information technology (IT) industry. CompTIA chairs and manages the Initiative for Software Choice. - https://www.wikipedia.org/